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Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Working Dreams Prom Dress 2024.

Registration for Volunteers is now closed for both Friday, March 15, 2024 and Saturday, March 16, 2024.

Our next event is our Holiday Toy Event in December, 2024.  Hope to see you then.


Social Worker's Girls Registration:


Social Workers, please click on the Red button below to register your Foster Care High School aged Girls for our Prom Dress Event 2024.


The Prom Dress Event is Saturday, March 16, 2024, between 10:30am and 2:30pm.


The girls will receive a prom dress or dressy dress (or 2), evening purse, makeup palette and jewelry.


Social Workers, we would love to have you volunteer with us for this event! If you would like to join us as a volunteer, please click on the above Purple button that says, "Volunteers Register Here".

Donate to Working Dreams

Working Dreams has a 501(c)(3) non-profit classification from the Internal Revenue Service and your donations are tax deductible as provided by Sections 17214 through 17216.2 and 24357 through 24359 of the IRS code. For tax deduction purposes, our tax identification number is 45-1208361. 


100% of your donations got towards serving the Foster Care Children of Los Angeles County. With your donations, we buy items to fill the gaps for our events for the children- Toys and gifts for our Holiday Toy Event, makeup palettes, purses, and refreshments for an afternoon tea party atmosphere for the Prom Dress Event and school supplies for the Back-to-School Backpack Event.

If you would like to donate items such as toys, gifts, new clothing, or anything that a child between birth and 18 years old would like, please​ call Jocelyn or Kymberli at (310) 273-9850, x 106 if you have any questions or to arrange for a pick-up

Working Dreams is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt organization founded in 2011   -

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